UPDATE: New link to edit Facebook ad settings (requires login, of course).

Also, you may or may not see a blog post ‘debunking’ the rumors of Facebook using photos in advertising. They say it was third-party advertisers only and they have ‘fixed’ the problem.

[Re: the blog post above – Big thanks to Barry, the (condescending) manager of policy communications at Facebook. Dear Barry: How about you add new features AND THEN explain what they are AND THEN let people CHOOSE?]

Facebook is now allowing third-party advertisers to use your photos in their advertising.

Facebook says it’s not breaking privacy rules, but DO YOU want your face next to an ad you have no control over?

I don’t!

Luckily, you can change your privacy settings to prevent this from happening:

Go to Settings > Privacy > News Feed and Wall > Facebook Ads and select ‘No one’ in the drop down box.