Your positive growth will begin with this: believing in the fact that you can change, you can better yourself and that there is a better future ahead for you…
…the future you want (or at least close to it)!
You must believe that you can do better and you can fix things. If you do not believe this or want to believe it, you cannot even begin to believe in the things you will need to commit yourself to, for the changes to occur.
So first, trust me when I say you will solve your problems. You will be truly happy and be able to talk to people without feeling like you are putting on a show. You will be happy with your job or at least understand its purpose for your future. You will be happy with your appearance, which will give you confidence, which will give you better opportunities to meet more suitable people for friendship, etc.
You will have more energy and won’t feel tired all the time, you will want to be more active, bringing you closer to other new people to socialize with. This will make you happier and you will see the benefits of your good health all over your life. People will notice and this will give you confidence, which will bring about a good self-image and even greater things in life.
You cannot change the past.
You can make changes today that will positively affect your life now, and in the future.